Backend to frontend demonstration vignette

Example of how to create a new endpoint

  1. Create a ‘back end’ endpoint using FastAPI
  2. Write a simple test that checks that route exists
  3. Create a ‘front end’ endpoint using Plotly Dash
  4. Write a simple integration test that checks that the page displays

1. Back end FastAPI endpoint

  • Create a new ‘python package’ (directory containing an file under api/src/api/.
  • Create a file within this package
  • Generate some fake/mock data ideally by hand. You might want to run the SQL script you’re planning to use, then copy the column headings into an Excel file, and then create a couple of rows of fake data that you could/should save as a Python List of dictionaries or similar. You need to make this data available to your ‘mock’ endpoint.
  • create a mock and a non-mock endpoint in
  • register these endpoints in api/src/api/
# At the top of the file
from api.demo.router import (
    router as demo_router,
    mock_router as mock_demo_router,

# further imports etc. ...

# declare the app
app = FastAPI(default_response_class=ORJSONResponse)
mock_router = APIRouter(

# ...


Plotly Dash Frontend

  • Create a new ‘python package’ (directory containing an file under web/src/web/pages (in this example named ‘demo’)
  • Create single page Plotly Dash application here
  • This will be automatically registered by the web/src/web/ module because of the use_pages=True argument passed to the Dash app
  • The page has 3 main components:
    • A layout
    • A data store
    • A series of callbacks that fire as the user interacts with the data
  • Inspect at http://localhost:8201/demo/demo

Ways of working

  • Pycharm
    • setup the FastAPI and Plotly Dash configurations so that you can see the changes as you work